Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Text dating

The following text messages are a conversation between myself and a friend. The one who is a madam who I went out with a million years ago.

Her - Hi Louche babes, have ya been?

Me - Jolly good, how the Dickens are you? What is new in your world?

Her - Lots going on. I missed you at the party on Friday, there was a girl there who would have been perfect for you.

Me - Sorry about the party, I was away. Tell me about the girl.

Her - Maria she is stunning only thing is she has children and has been to prison for fighting before.

Me - What sort of fighting? You really do know the best sorts of people.

Her - I know, just defending herself against a guy who started on her. She used a shoe and a knife.

A shoe and a knife, I think I'll pass on this one.


The Topiary Cow said...

A girl who would be perfect for you? But who uses shoes and knives to presumably effective purpose?

Perhaps, you might ask yourself, these friends might have a different idea of your personality that you think.


Louche said...

You are right, it makesme wonder what she thinks would be the ideal woman for me...

The Topiary Cow said...

Unless, of course, it is the 'old soft shoe' and maybe a butter knife.

In that case, it might be okay.
