Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring time in Soho with Spiderman

Ah, spring is definitely here now and I am going to mark the occasion by going on a date. A proper date with someone I've only met a few days ago. This is a good thing, in times of stress one must button up ones waistcoat, take a pretty girl out and jolly well have a martini. A full report of on the event will follow tomorrow.

In other news I just got a cheque from one of the newspapers I write for. It had 'Spider expenses' on it as part of the payment to cover my investment in a Spiderman costume. And it is an investment as I'm sure it will be jolly handy at some point in the future.

Heh 'Spider expenses' what will I manage to blag next?


Anonymous said...


First dates are so much fun because there's no way of knowing if splendid fun or utter disaster awaits.


Enjoy -- whichever one it turns out to be!

Jolly said...

Don't spend all your money at once, remember you will need to pay the inland revenue and you should be making contributions towards your National Insurance.

Louche said...

BB - Yes that is one of the best bits of dating.

Jolly - That's a bit of a strange comment, do you work for the government?