Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Lure of Lunch

I think lunch is a special time of day, it's a time of magic and adventure where amazing things can happen. Friendships can be forged, plans made and even affairs started. Lunch is skill. It's an hour of the day when you don't work for 'The Man' and your only goal in life is to eat something tasty to see you through to cocktail time.

If everyone took lunch a bit more seriously the world would be a better place. Lunch should be sacred. Not allowing people to take proper lunch breaks is practically religious oppression and we should march against it. If they take away lunch what will be next? Afternoon tea? Smiling?

Of course we don't do lunch as well as we could in this country. I rather like the Mediterranean model where people have a lovely lunch, a nap and then go out in the evening until late. It's a pace of life that seems much more measured and pleasant.

I'm writing this as I'm trying to persuade a friend to join me for lunch, she is complaining about not really being allowed to take the time off. Honestly who would have thought taking a beautiful woman out to lunch would be so hard?


Kopaylopa said...

Lunch is a fundamental component to the day. One of the directors at my office insists on planning lunchtime meetings since "That's when you know everyone is free." Needless to say, I don't work with this director anymore!


The Topiary Cow said...

People who can't take lunch obviously have their priorities wrong.

Why, stopping to smell wayward Topiary wafting on the breeze, nibbling at a stray tuft of greenest grass, staking out a place in a warm meadow, what could be more important?


Louche said...

K - That director is evil, I hope they were punished and not in a sexy way.

T.T.C. - That sounds like a smashing lunch it's a real shame that meadows are rather thin on the ground in London.