Friday, April 18, 2008

Glove Love

Here are my marvellous motorbike gloves. They articulate pleasantly with just the right air of menace and I can't wait to try them out on a ride. I can't stop putting them on which is a bit silly as they aren't ideal for typing or making cups of tea. Admittedly that's not what they are designed for so I shouldn't really blame them for not being tip-top at such tasks.

I wonder if the company that made these gloves also makes cravats? I bet if they did they would be armoured cravats. I like the idea of a necktie that provides protection against impacts as well as making a chap look dapper.


Amanda Castleman said...

Perhaps the armored cravat should be worn with a leather utilikilt?

Except, wait, only utter prats spend $666 on "the warmest, heaviest, most expensive, most amazingly badass, most go-to-a-bar-and-have-women-ask-to-touch-your-Utilikilt garment."

I hate utilikilts. I hate the posers who wear them even more. But I do love this PR spin:

"[They're for] men who aren’t afraid to wear large swaths of cow around their waists. Men who take secret pleasure in making vegans and bovine activists cry."

Louche said...

Oh my word. I've never seen something so silly. I can't imagine the sort of American chap who would wear such a thing. Still it takes all sorts to make the world.