Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Cad, a bounder and most definitely louche.

I'm not a terribly nice person when it comes to women normally. Well perhaps nice is the wrong adjective, I don't say nasty things to them or hit them but I do have a bit of a history as a bit of womaniser.

I've had jealous boyfriends pull guns on me, or arrange for gangs of unworthy characters to attack me in nightclubs because of my actions. In business meetings girls have slipped their hands on my knee and made it very clear that should I go around for a coffee, then they would give my company favourable terms.

I even escaped getting arrested once on the condition that I took the policewoman out to the theatre.

I do okay with women. There is even a discarded blog on the internet detailing my misadventures, abandoned when I realised I didn't want to become that sort of man.

Thankfully I haven't but it has swung the other way. I've become the victim, completely enthralled by a woman who isn't even available.

Well it stops here, right now. If things do work out with A, well thats nice, if not well that's nice too.

Louche is back.

1 comment:

Kopaylopa said...

Oh... karma! Angst! Melodrama! I like you more and more.
