Thursday, May 25, 2006


This month has been full of changes. When I look back at it stretching behind me some of them were not entirely unexpected. I always think change is good, I probably have a slightly too high opinion of it.

I'm going to see a flat this weekend in North London, just on the edge of Hampstead. This will mean my commute into work will be a bit longer but on the plus side I will get to cycle through Hyde Park every morning.

Hampstead is one of my favourite places in the world, when I first came up to London and I found out I had a job I went for drinks with my friend Mac in Hampstead. We ended up in some fantastic little pub off a main street and had pints of real ale. It was snowing and I nearly fell over, twice. Someone in the distance was playing an accordion, something jaunty and French sounding.

I nearly ended up moving it with Mac, which I think would have been really good fun. I even get on with his girlfriend, now wife. Before that could happen I found a place in Chelsea and the rest history, still I'm sure I will see more of Mac again now we are in the same part of town.

The whole move is exciting, it will give me a fresh start to London. I think a new beginning is in order. Plus Hampstead has the-most-girls-I-find-attractive-per-head-of-population, so perhaps I can find some fun woman to go out shopping with and to the occasional show who is actually single.

I'm out of the office for most of today, visiting some people who have been very naughty and telling them off.


Kopaylopa said...

"visiting some people have been very naughty and telling them off..."

Oh.... do you get to wear a black suit and crack your knuckles a lot? Is your street name 'The Velvet Thug'!?


Louche said...

Oh, there is a fist of iron contained in the velvet glove.

Today, I'm wearing navy and white.