Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Danger click

I have been doing a lot of revising for this test, especially the hazard part. I've spent countless hours watching videos of people in slightly shabby looking Northern towns (somewhere near Leeds judging by the road signs) go about their lives while I get a driver's eye view and click in the face of danger.

It's like being an insect, or some other creature with a survival system that can be triggered. Now when I walk along the road I'm working through the dangers in my head as if I was riding.

Someone reversing.
Young kids on bikes.

And now it's spilling over into my private life.

Meet a dark-haired woman in while out shopping for food. Who while talking about the relative merits of potatoes manages to mention she is single but her ex-boyfriend cheated on her.
Discover female friend has been telling mutual friends she has decided to seduce me.
Being tempted to 'invest' in a lime green three piece suit


Amanda Castleman said...

When you're done with the dangermouse DVD, send it to Seattle, would you, please? I'm contemplating all types of damn fool things that should be clicked and clucked out of existence...

Louche said...

Amanda - I'm done with it so of course,are you in a situation with the potential for developing into a hazard?