Thursday, January 03, 2008

Tenuious links and French radio

I've been encountering French radio today. Brighton being, well Brighton has a sort of booster station so you can listen to quirky French songs while trying to squeeze out words onto a computer.

The chaps singing clearly had experienced some rough times but they were jolly upbeat about it all and well with those plucky accordions wheezing on it just seemed like maybe a chap who has been feeling a bit down about stuff should buck up his ideas a bit and say yes to drinks with people because a drink is just a drink and a chance to show off his new velvet suit should the venue be suitable.

This drink will be happening because of a strange mix of events, due to social social networking websites. Almost everyone is on them, this means if you met someone entertaining at a club a few weeks ago and you didn't give them anyway of contacting you because you were seeing someone and it was serious. And even exchanging numbers with this new person would have just seemed like not the conduct of a gentlemen. These new websites mean chance encounters can find you again, and now that you are single well you could go for a drink and that would be nice.

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