Friday, May 09, 2008

Who is Antonio?

This morning I got a call from Antonio. It was one of those phone calls when the phone decides of it's own free will to call someone and the person on the other end gets to hear someone walking or something like that.

After a bit of going 'hello? Hello? HELLO?' I hung up and the mystery began. I don't know an Antonio. Most of the people in my phone are named in a way to remind me who they are or where they work so there is Jeff @ The Foppish Times or, Clair The Woo and so on.

I don't have men in my phone as just their name, even my closest friends have some sort of nickname associated with their entry. Antonio just doesn't make sense. If it had been Antonia that would have been logical, it would have been the number of a girl I met at a party who I fancied but a man? Why would I have the phone number of a strange man on my phone?

Speaking of phones I'm not looking forward to changing my phone. My current one is getting a bit wonky from all the times it's been dropped or licked by horses and my contract is about to end. I don't really want to change my phone though, because when the time comes to re-enter everyone on the new phone there won't be much point in transferring the name 'dad' and that's just a little bit sad.


Clair said...

I remember when I accidentally deleted the last message from my mum on my answering machine at home. I was devastated.

I'm thinking said...

Am dreading doing the boyfriend's mum died recently. Limiting the entry to P's Dad will be horrid.

Amanda Castleman said...

My second mentor died – whoa – five years ago now, absurdly early, from his vivid array of vices. He was a drunk and a Scot and a hack ... and one of the finest men I'll ever know.

I keep George in my email favorites list nonetheless. Because he's not gone from my life, even if the address trails into the ether.

Then again, I'm the sort who jams postcards from old beaus into books: the odd nostalgia hijack amuses me.

If my honey moves in, I reckon I'd better revisit that move, though, eh?

Louche said...

Clair - how awful.

I'm Thinking - Welcome to the blog. If you find a cunning solution to the problem please let me know

Amanda - I still have the last email from my dad in my urgent to-do list, I think I'll keep it there for as long as I can.

DJ Kirkby said...

Awwwwww....that is very sad.....:(

The Topiary Cow said...

Cow must point out that at least here in Topiary-Land you can transfer your old memory card from your old phone to your new phone.

Thus, no re-entering, and no trauma.


Kim said...

I still have the number of my dead best friend on my mobile and his email in my contacts list, both under his stupid nickname. S'funny, I always forget they're about to come up when I'm scrolling through and then I have momentary shudder and speed up a bit. Technological ghosts...

Kim said...
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