Thursday, May 22, 2008

The meaning of brunch

What is brunch? It's an imaginary meal between an honest breakfast and a wholesome lunch. It's a meal of reprobates, the unemployed and tramps and for that reason it's quite possibly my favourite meal of the day. I like a meal that doesn't serve much of a purpose apart from give the feckless something to do with their mornings.

I met the Madam for brunch because plans for supper last night got completely derailed by my phone deciding to malfunction. Because of her business she works unusual hours and thus is often available to go for meals or walks with writers who should be proof reading but can't quite face it.

It was a good brunch. We had a lovely walk through Chelsea with her small yappy type dog and visited my old local pub for some food. The walk back was punctuated with fairly regular checking of phones as I'm waiting for a call about something to do with work. The call came in and it was good news. I now have some work for a very well known magazine for ladies that will provide some more much needed cash for the motorcycle fund.

Hurrah for writing about bedroom matters to pay lumps of metal that go extremely fast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had my dukes up when I thought you were brunch-bashing, but now I see you are in favor of all things brunchy I shall relax and return to my eggs benedict and mimosa made with appallingly bad champagne...

Defensive Daisy

PS Is article going to explain men to women, because as I've said, I need all the help I can get....