Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The early bird rides the bike

I'm up far too early, this is an inhuman time of day that should only be experienced when heading home from an amazing night out. It should not be seen at the start of the day. I'll forgive it a bit because I'm up early because I'm going motorbike racing so that sort of makes up for it.

In other exciting news, I was talking to a v. pretty female friend about work things and using some dark powers that I don't really understand she found out who my agent was and then later that evening found this blog. Oh dear. Still the knowledge can't be undone so let's all make her very welcome eh?

Right, I have to try and drink as much coffee as possible.


Gorilla Bananas said...

Make a comment, very pretty woman! It is unbecoming for a lady to be a voyeur!

scones with jam and cream said...

Dear Louche, hope you survive unscathed! Love scones

DJ Kirkby said...

A big welcome to the v.pretty work person who uses her 'dark powers' with a flourish! Who is she? Tell me, tell me!

Louche said...

Gorilla - Let's see if we can tempt her eh?

Scones - I didn't die, HURRAH.

DJ - Let's see if she posts first.

Anonymous said...

Feminine wiles.
Never to be underestimated.

Welcome, attractive woman of mystery (and, apparently, solver of various and sundry mysteries)

Dubious Daisy