Sunday, May 11, 2008

Man flat

The flatmate is away this week, she is going to Cannes for some work stuff so I've got the place to myself for a week. Since I'm alone I've been doing all the things that she doesn't approve of, well most of them. I've not been out late yet, but that's because I was so exhausted on Saturday after bike school.

The main room in the flat has become a lot more blokey, instead of only having high-end fashion magazines there are motorbike magazines and manly newspapers everywhere and my bike gloves are drying in the sun. Radio 4 is on constantly in the background and I can still smell the bread I made earlier - cooking things that smell is forbidden. Tomorrow I think I'm going to roast a chicken, I can't wait.


Kopaylopa said...

Cooking things that smell *good* is forbidden? Does this girl not eat?


Unknown said...

Cooking things that smell? Doesn't that rule out nearly all food?!

Roszs said...

Your flatmate is a mental.

The Topiary Cow said...

Cow agrees with roszs bif.

Unless (perish the thought)Louche himself has even more eccentricities which this "don't cook anything" flatmate puts up with.

Nevertheless, Cow is intrigued by these "manly newspapers."


Louche said...

Kopaylopa - Yes, they are 'smelly' even if it is a nice smell it is forbidden.

Carys - Why yes it does, it is possible to cook things but they have to be bland.

Ros - I think it's because she is an only child and so doesn't really know how to share.

Topiary Cow - I don't think so, sometimes I get told off for opening doors too loudly, actually I get told off for a lot of things.

The Topiaryiest Bunny said...

Bunny suggests next time Louche is told off for opening doors too loudly, he uses the "manly newspapers" to whack the flatmate.
