Saturday, June 03, 2006

In which we talk about forests.

I went to a forest yesterday, it was beautiful. I went with a load of friends and spent the whole day walking around and exploring. I don't know what it is about trees but just looking up through the canopy relaxes me like nothing else. It's akin to taking valium (or so I assume), after just five minutes of it I forget everything that is bothering me and just enjoy the moment.

Towards the end I was sat on a tree stump covered in moss watching the sun go down across the trees. It was stunning, the light edged everything with gold and swarms of insects danced around looking like they were alight because of the way the sun caught them. It was mesmorising and I could have stayed their for days just soaking up the atmosphere.

I love the country side so much, I live in the city, and I do like it but I will always be a country boy at heart.

1 comment:

moi said...


I know what you mean, I grew up in a small country villiage. Ihilst I love living in London, I do so miss the coast and the country... such a different world... sigh.