Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Everyone likes me, but you.

There is something in the air, girls that I know are suddenly making moves at me. Yesterday alone I had three very strong come-ons from girls. Including this gem via text which I feel I should share as an example of 'not mixed signals'. In the text before I had said she could take me out to lunch if she really wanted and asked how her dog was.

'Aw you liked my dog come to my place and ill cook you dinner. Cheeky monkey. Im lovely and tanned you'd love it. You still single?'

In the same day an old business contact asked me to Regents park for pimms and a girl I hadn't spoken to in months asked me if I fancied going to see an opera with her.


At least it is nice to get clear signals from some girls.

Yesterday I met up with my old assistant for some drinks with the Ice Queen and a few others of the Hitchcock blonds. We met in a slighty dog-eared wine bar off Regents Street and drank cheap wine and cackled. Supper dates were set and holidays co-ordinated. My mini-break to Devon is going to be awfully fun now, I just need to book the time off.

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