Thursday, June 05, 2008

The Prisoner

Today was supposed to be a day of rest, and catching up on things. I had a couple of features to finish off for other places and some things to research which involved a very long phone call with a chap at the Navy.

Anyway, having finished off all my work on time, I decided that what I really wanted to do with the afternoon was the following.

1) Cook a smashing lunch, maybe some of the Thai Soup I made before that was so nice.
2) Go and test a couple of motorbikes out, I already know the one I want but it doesn't hurt to test the competition does it?
3) Amble over to my favourite wine shop and try and bottle of the wine that they especially ordered in for me because it's my favourite wine ever.

Now I don't know about you chaps but that sounds like a cracking afternoon to me, but it isn't happening. Why? Because my flatmate has locked me in again (who knows why) and so I'm stuck in the flat again and she isn't answering her phone. Drat.


Anonymous said...

That's kidnap if your flatmate locks you in against your will!

Loving your recent posts, especially about the joint e-mail account for the court case!

Initially I thought your post today was about The Prisoner and I thought "ooh goody, loads of stuff about Patrick McGoohan, Portmeirion and Number 6" but your tale of imprisonment by your flatmate is just as good!

Gorilla Bananas said...

Hmm. Your flatmate has an unconscious desire to stop you enjoying yourself, as if you're in some kind of marriage.

Anonymous said...

One hopes that mayhaps a new job will boost paycheck substantially and allow a move to new digs.

(Failing that, consider installing a doggie door you could fit through.)

Devilish Daisy

Amanda Castleman said...

I suffered a lock-in once, when I first lived in Rome. Luckily it was a second-story flat, so the other trapped maidens and I threw the keys down to some gallants in the piazza, who freed us.

Louche: are you within shouting distance of any swashbuckling heroines?

Anonymous said...


I admire your self-control sir. If someone locked me in and there was a fine wine shop across the way I'd be out of that window and down that drainpipe before you could say "merlot"

DJ Kirkby said...

Erm...I'm with crapsack on this one...and...exactly how do you get lcoked in the flat? Do you not have your own key? Have I missed something on one of your earlier posts?

Louche said...

Goodbyetoallfat - Yes, I was sort of kidnapped. It wasn't bad in the morning because I had to do writing but the afternoon was a little messed up by it.

Gorilla - Very possibly, she has only recently started double locking the door.

BigBouquet - The job is on the otherside of London so a move is extremely likely.

Amanda - Yes, I managed to attract the attention of a neighbour and threw her down the keys. She was quite sexy too, but that's probably just an instant reaction to being saved.

Crapsack - I was locked in a flat with some excellent champagne and rum so I wasn't at a complete loss.

DJ - There is an extra lock on the door that can only be locked or unlocked from the outside. It's a massive fire risk, so I'm amazed they did it.