Friday, June 20, 2008

A little bit more magic

I seem to have covered half the office in silver spray and the fumes are, interesting, but the little wooden chaps are starting to look a bit more magic.

The poses are so I can get them completely covered in silver.


The Topiary Cow said...

Louche gets the most interesting assignments.

(Cow secretly spraying her hooves silver, inspired)


Amanda Castleman said...

>The poses are so I can get them completely covered in silver.

Drat. I was envisioning a saucy silver nude magician-model ballet.

Anonymous said...

Totally Cirque de Soleil so far.

Houdini is rolling in his straitjacket (neither the velvet nor the seersucker...)

Disappearing Daisy

P.S. Ditto what Cow said on the how you spend your time...

P.P.S. Am secretly wishing that project was being done at home, where paint fumes would no doubt kill off roommate once and for all.

Louche said...

Cow - Silver spray is brilliant!

Amanda - That's quite close to what happened.