Thursday, June 26, 2008

Breakfast wines

I had wine for breakfast today, not because I'm some decadent dandy* who bathes in Champagne and uses silk for loo paper but because I'm ill and I'd completed some tricky work even though I was practically deaths door due to man-flu and the only food I had in the house was a couple of slices of bread, some slightly 'troubled' cheese and half a bottle of terribly good Shiraz.

This morning I had to finish off a feature which I should have completed a while ago, and suddenly it was asked for so I woke up at 7am and wrote it, then I finished off another piece of work all before 9am.

To mark this Herculean effort I made myself some English Rarebit, which according to a telly program I watched last night is cheese on toast where you give the toast a good sploshing of red wine before you put the cheese on. I tried this and it was marvellous, so good I did a little dance.

Sadly after I ate it I realised it was the last bit of food I had in the house so I'm going to have to shuffle down to the shops while unwell. Blast, but if I do make it out I'm morally allowed to buy all sorts of treat foods because I'm not long for this world and I probably should enjoy it while I can.

It's entirely logical if you think about it.

*Although most of the time that is more than enough of a reason.


Gorilla Bananas said...

Heh! I had no idea that wine for breakfast was a flu remedy, but one learns something every day. In my next post, to appear late this night, I shall refer to you in connection with a rather disturbing story from Italy. You will be mentioned as a positive example, so I hope it won't offend you. Get well soon, my dear fellow.

Louche said...

Gorilla - It would be an honour to be mentioned.

The Topiary Cow said...

Cow hopes the snack and food expedition is successful (Cow hates to think of Louche in a house with empty, echoing cupboards)


Mrs Pouncer said...

Dear Mr Louche, You must continue to take wine as a remedy for as long as you are able. It has a fine and proven record in conventional medicine, which is the only sort I know. My dear old father was a GP in the golden days long ago, and he knew the value of alcohol taken in illness: in brief, it makes you feel better.

Just before I walked down the aisle to marry Mr Pouncer, my dear old father produced a glass from who knows where. It contained a triple brandy. Mr Pouncer and I have been married for over 30 years.
Cordially etc

The Topiary Cow said...

Louche's recovery should surely be hastened by his inclusion in the illustrious Gorilla Bananas blog...


DJ Kirkby said...

Hmmmm man flu, eh? I am currently working on pademic flu preparedness plans at work but I am ashamed to admit that I haven't yet taken into account that, of course, you men will be ever so sicker....
Thank you for agreeing to review my book. Please email me with your contact details or my publishers, Bluechrome.
P.S. Get well soon...

Unknown said...

The Bananas ape directed me here. As a bachelor (divorced after a 30 years marriage) I find that out lifestyles and philosophies are rather similar.

Louche said...

Cow - Yes, I'm sure all the traffic from GB's blog will definitely help me recover.

Mrs Pouncer - I shall drink wine till the very end, and then have a port to refresh the mind.

DJ - Which is the best email address to get you on?

Sometimes Saintly Nick - What-ho! It's always pleasant to hear from another bachelor.

DJ Kirkby said...