Monday, May 14, 2007

The worst anecdote

I've played a game with my friends a few times where you try and come up with the worst anecdote possible. This sort of comes from an ex-girlfriend who was extremely pretty and lovely but would tell the most boring stories as if they were amusing asides in the style of Oscar Wilde.

The one where she tried to buy some forks but was told you could only buy the nice cultery in sets was especially fine, but I don't want to say too much and spoil it for you just in case you ever meet her.

Anyway, I was at a party with the T.P. on Saturday and I met a chap who told me the following very funny story. I know it was funny because he told me it was.

'Yah, so I needed to stir some paint because I was touching up some of the woodwork in the kitchen and I used one of Craig's wooden spoons for cooking. I just stirred the paint with the other end and then I thought. God Craig is going to go mental.

But he didn't he was just like, oh that's fine we only use the other end anyway,'

At this point the story teller paused to wait for roars of laughter. I thought about sharing the fork story, or at least putting one in my eye.

1 comment:

Tea said...

Ha.....not ha ha ha to the fork story. Sounds like you`ve been very busy since last I was able to visit and have found a serious girl. Congratulations and all the best to you :)
