Thursday, May 17, 2007

Boozing and Baking

I went out for drinks last night and now I'm terribly hungover. I think the Spirit of Jeffrey Bernard possessed me as I had far, far more than I should to drink and now I feel wretched. I did have an excellent idea though, for measuring tapes where the scale is off so when you measure something it appears to be larger than it is. Just think of the potential for falsehood...

Well it seemed like a good idea last night. Much like the extra round of drinks to see us on our way, now I'm paying the price, oh yes, but when a chap is feeling a touch 'bliffy' there is a sure-fire to get the spring back into his step.


I think a feisty little banana bread would get me right back into the spirit of things, perhaps some macaroons as well. Yes, that's an excellent plan.

Now I just need to work out a way to get to the shops without vomiting, maybe if I construct some sort of nose bag to cover my mouth.


Clair said...

Interesting concept - tea-shop foods to fend off a hangover. I still believe in a greasy croissant or a bacon butty as ballast, not something from a Lyons Corner House.

Louche said...

Perhaps some scientific testing is in order?