Tuesday, January 13, 2009

WWF put Liberal Democrats on endangered species list

The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) have recently made a new addition to their endangered specises list, Liberal Democrats, or to use the more common names 'Lib-dems' or 'Wigs'.

This move is the final measure to try and protect this fragile species after numbers have fallen rapidly in the last fifty years. This move will hopefully increase the international pressure to preserve these fragile creatures.

"It's a shocking state of events," said David Nussbaum, Chief Executive of WWF UK. "Most children have never even seen a Liberal Democrat and think they are a fictional creature like Unicorns and Dragons. We're not sure what has caused the numbers to plummet so rapidly, it might just be that the environment is changing faster than they can adapt. In a very real sense Liberal Democrats might be the first victims of Global warming."

Other political parties at risk include The UK independence party and 'People who still like Tony Blair', which is at particular risk as there are no breeding pairs left in the wild.

(This post is a lie)


BPP said...

(Yes, we understand it's a lie)

Louche said...

(BPP, I was sure you would get it but the Mugabe thing was picked up as actual news by a few places)