Thursday, July 03, 2008

Transmission will resume shortly

We are sorry to announce that some stuff is going on that is going to delay everything for a few days.

Normal service will resume shortly, in the mean time have a look at this smashing beard. It's James Robertson Justice if you don't know.


Gadjo Dilo said...

My mother's father often said that my father looked like James Robertson Justice - it seemed to be the only positive thing he was able to say about him. I suppose everybody appreciates a nice beard.

DJ Kirkby said...

Beards should be banned. Hope you are well.

Everything Stops for Tea said...

I have a bit of a crush on him... its the voice, I'm a sucker(steady now) for a beard and a posh voice

Gorilla Bananas said...

He only ever played one character, but it was a damn good one.

Anonymous said...

Barefacers should be held down & have hair clippings glued on their chins. Good day.

Louche said...

Gadjo - I'd say that was quite a compliment. Do you look like J.R.J?

Dj - Every chap should grow a beard once, just to see what it is like.

Sarah - This information may be the cause of your downfall.

Gorilla - Yes, he knew what he was good at and stuck to it.

Besskeloid - What sort of beard do you sport?

Gadjo Dilo said...

No, I look more like the bastard son he might have spawned after a one night stand with Joan Sims on the set of Doctor in the House.