Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Yet another mixed day, I had another mistake. This time it was forgetting the inclusion of a ' in Sotheby's in a line of text. This caused a total melt-down from the person I was working for - she has just started working with Sotheby's and so is deeply concerned that this might piss them off.

I haven't heard yet if it caused the end of the world but I suppose we shall see, I hope not, I like working for them. ho-hum.

T.P. has been in a bit of a changeable mood recently, without wanting to sound like misogynistic berk I think a lot of it is to do with hormones. She had one of those injections that means you can't have babies and it's just ending so I would imagine her body is just re-adjusting to normal function. Re-adjusting with the side effect of a hulk like rage

As an aside DO NOT get that injection if you are thinking of it, it turned the loving, funny, wonderful girl that I fell in love with into something else. Something that gets furious if I ask her how her day went, let alone dare to enquire if she would like a glass of wine.

So that is it really, I'm sort of falling to pieces and she is upset over silly little things. Lovely.

Oh and I have a job interview thing tomorrow; it's not the ideal time to have one but the world can't stop just because somethings have gone a bit squiffy and it wasn't all bad today, I made some excellent rice pudding.


Piqued said...

That's all you need mate. Might be good to remind her what you're going through, I feel that if she can't support you in your hour of need (injection taken into consideration but its not an excuse to not look after you) then you may as well make a fresh start on that front. You don't need that shit.

Roszs said...

Sounds a bit dodgy to me as well, to be honest - maybe yuo need to sit down with her and have a chat about it or you'll get all bitter and twisted. Which is fun, but probably not what you need at the moment.


Clair said...

I'm with Auntie Piqued on this one.

Pudgeduck said...

Everywoman alive knows what she is going thru-hormones-leave it alone for a few days -it always goes away.the rest of you LIGHTEN UP!