Thursday, September 04, 2008

Nerd talk in relationships

I know lots of people who would be described as geeks, they are good eggs. Well I suppose they are like normal people but they just happen to have extensive knowledge about fictional subjects and or languages that people don't really speak (C++ and C for example).

There is this long running geek 'joke' that you call your kids Version 2.0, as if they were a new iteration of a program. I use the quote marks because it's such an old joke even Shakespeare would have trouble slapping his knee over it and going 'Ha'.

Anyway, in the same line of thought I was thinking of other nerd terms that could be used to describe other things. I mean terms that less technologically aware people would understand.

For example, a program in Beta means it's an early version prone to crashing that everyone is testing out. If the program is good you put up with the problems because it could turn into something wonderful. This could be applied to all sorts of things.

Louche - 'I say Jeff old chap, how is your relationship going with Sarah?'
Jeff - 'Rather well, but it's still in Beta.'
Louche - 'Blimes.'

Actually I can't think of any other examples, blast.


piqued said...

On a more worrying note, I've got a shard of Murry Mint caught in the hole where my wisdom teeth was at

Gorilla Bananas said...

Ah, so that's what "Beta blogger" meant. "Beta male" also means the chap who doesn't get the girl until the alpha has passed her over.

Tea said...

RE- Louche - 'I say Jeff old chap, how is your relationship going with Sarah?'
Jeff - 'Rather well, but it's still in Beta.'
Louche - 'Blimes.'

Love it!


Louche said...

Piqued - That is worrying, go and see a doctor right away.

Gorilla - Exactly

Tea - Glad you approve.