Saturday, June 09, 2007

Herding Peacocks

Well the visit to my father went okay, he is a bit wobbly but he is having a whale of a time of morphine. While I was there the test results came back (again) and they showed that nothing new was up with his legs. This is good news, as it means the pain is something else less sinister.

My Dad got on with the T.P. very well and she seemed to enjoy herself watching goats and stroking horses.

On the Sunday one of the neighbours pet peacocks decided to come over to say hello, this was fine until it got into the field with the horse and the mule. The Mule, Thelma is rather naughty and was chasing it around the field trying to stamp on it's tail. I had to run into the field to save the peacock at which point Thelma and the big horse, Lisa (who is an Ardenne horse, a large working breed for eating and riding into war) decided to charge me.

I faced down two charging beasts and they swung aside at the last moment, farting loudly to emphasize their rage, it was like something from Dances with Wolves, but with mules and parping noises.

After that I engaged in some high-speed peacock herding as I tried to get the naughty chap to go back home rather than get stomped on by the mule. Peacocks are surprisingly fast when they have their tails down, so I had to weave about to get him to go in the right place while a mule menaced me from behind. After about half an hour of running about the peacock finally jumped over the fence and scampered off home. Only a fop would end up herding a peacock

I'm back in London looking after the naughty dog, who is being quite good and quietly destroying one of his toys and someone else's shoe.

I've also learned that if you eat coleslaw after it's sell-by date it goes fizzy in your mouth and have to fight not to be sick on a beagle.


Clair said...

'Up and down the City Road,
In and out the Eagle,
That's the way the money goes,
Try not to be sick on the beagle'.

That's what this post made me think of. That and glad the pater is OK on the prescribed medication (unlike George Michael), and that you appear to be becoming Dr Doolittle. Hoorah!

Louche said...

Dr Doolittle? The Rex Harrison verson is inspirational!

I want to live in a technicolour world.