Monday, April 09, 2007

Meeting Dad

I haven't met T.P.s Dad, yet. Note the use of yet because we are proper girlfriend and boyfriend with like vague plans and things.

Anyway, I have spent a large portion of the day giggling with T.P. over what could be the most inappropriate thing to do when meeting her dad for the first time.

The current leader is when going through baby photos (of T.P.) to say 'oh gosh that is a lovely photo, you know I have some beautiful photos of T.P. too' and then pull out a stack of home-made smutty polaroids.

i.e. 'Look at how the candle light plays off her nipples'

I doubt that would get me invited back. I should point out that no-such photos exist, it's all digital these days.

No really, they don't.

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