Friday, April 13, 2007

Garden Parties

I'm taking T.P. to meet some of my cousins this weekend, I'm a member of a vast clan from the West Country who all know each other and meet up occasionally. A while ago we had a Bertie Wooster weekend where everyone went to one of the country piles in Dorset and had a jolly spiffing time going on brisk walks (typically to pubs) and cooking.

It was marvellous, I do hope we have another one soon.

Anyway, T.P. is going to meet some of them this weekend, I'm sure they will get on well. T.P. has already met my mother and little brother (I can't remember if I blogged that) and they got on very well.

In other sizzling romance news, the l word has resolutely not been mentioned yet, but T.P. said she wanted me to get a tattoo with one of her pet names on it, in Hebrew (I still don't understand that last bit).

I don't really do proper tattoos and I don't think a temporary Star Wars transfer of Yoda carries quite the same emotional weight for girls, which is yet another way that women differ from men.

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