Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Everything must go

Flush from the heady success of selling some old tat on Ebay and making £37 whole pounds I am now going to flog extra things. It's going to be a collection of abandoned hobbies, sartorial disasters and books I never even read in the first place. I'm hoping that this will be exactly the sort of gumphf that the people of the Internet are just gagging to get their hands on and thus I can make perhaps even more than 37 whole pounds. Of course, I won't make that really, because I've got to post the damn things and I suspect that at least one of the items is going to cost a fortune to post, pesky books.

This clean out is in part inspired by the excellent Halloween party I went to, it was absolutely amazing. The entire house was set-dressed to amazing levels, there was even frightening wallpaper and the evening meal included carrots in the shape of skulls.

It was a small event, but very enjoyable and it's definitely set the standard for future Halloweens for me. After that I've been filled with a resolve to get stuff done and so I'm cleaning out even more tat and flogging it for reasons I can't really explain but mostly due to a desire to reduce the amount of tat I own.

Of course I have a sneaking suspicion that these funds may be diverted so I can by some slightly different tat, perhaps of the mechanical nature but that's not important. This is progress, yup it's time for a change.

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