Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The big day

Well I've got an interview today. It's the big day, I've prepped and primped so I think I'm fairly ready.

I've got the shoes, a brown brogue because it's a casual office but I want them to know I'm serious. These brogues aren't that comfortable though so if I have to walk long distances they cut my feet into ribbons. They are the man equivalent of fancy shoes that you can't walk in but you wear them anyway because they are so lovely. I hope the chaps I'm meeting today appreciate them.

I've got some other things going on tomorrow, for slightly less exciting companies but they want me to start right away which would be good as this month hasn't been a exactly a top one for commissions. My favourite editor has been away doing travel features and so my main source of income has been away sunning herself on beaches instead of answering my calls.

I've got last minute interview nerves, mostly brought about for two reasons.
1)I've not had a serious interview in at least six years so I'm a little rusty.
2)Last night I noticed a couple of glaring errors on my C.V. so I hope that they don't notice them.

Aside from that I'm fairly chipper, or at least full of coffee.


BPP said...

Fuck 'em. Tell 'em you'll start cracking necks and breaking backs if they don't give you the job. Have you got a Segal-style Chinese silk top? Wear that. Lulls 'em into a false sense of security before you break out the nun-chucks.

Louche said...

BPP - I like your style.