Saturday, October 14, 2006

What writing is about.

I've started working on the book now, and in the long traditions of all writers this means doing lots of cleaning while you 'think about your work'. I've just completely re-arranged my room, cleaned the kitchen and I'm just about to start on the bathroom.

I bet Shakespeare was exactly the same, he would go off and get some eggs and then clean the privy while frowning over Romeo and Julette.

There was a book launch party last night. I like book launches because you get an interesting mix of people there, and there is free booze. Free booze is brilliant. There is something very special about someone else paying for you to get drunk, every glass of wine tastes that little bit better.

It was also my first night out with the new head sales chap, it went very well and I have the phone number of a girl I have to call on Sunday. She is Italian and does something I don't really understand.

There really is nothing like the party circuit to cheer you up, everyone is so friendly and it is marvellous for meeting people. Night clubs just aren't anywhere as near as joval, although they might be if there was free booze and goodie bags. I'm going to try and go to more book launches, you know in the name of research.

Not a bad night at all. Right now I simply must do some proper writing. I'll just give the taps and sink a once over first.

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