Sunday, October 29, 2006


I went to the Vampire party, it was brilliant. Girls in lingerie, dressing up and vast amounts of booze always are good. And, when you bump into the Ice Queen when you didn't think she was going you know the evening is on to a winner. It was lovely to see her again but that isn't the only interesting event of the evening.

Oh no.

The new sales chap snogged someone he really shouldn't have - a friend of mine and I know her boyfriend very well. Should I tell him?. Also the old sales chap (the prat) was getting very close with A's sister (who has a thing for Aussie guys who treat girls like rubbish so she was bound to like him) and I know the sales-prat's girlfriend. Should I tell her?

Also The Ice Queen and A had a bit of a chat (they always got on famously) and A said something to the Ice Queen which knocked my socks off - it was something along the lines of she regrets what happened and something else that neither the Ice Queen or I can remember exactly but it was very important because it caused me to say to a rather drunk A.

'Just so you know, I haven't given up on you and I'

So it must have been something, and I think A must have wanted me to know it as she is aware that the Ice Queen is one of my closet friends and is bound to report such things to me.

I'm not sure if I do want to get back with her, A, as the Ice Queen says she will always been troublesome. It's just her nature and since I stopped worrying about A my luck has been amazing. No-one wants to date a jinx. But on the otherside, I have more fun with her than anyone else, I've been on a few dates since and the girls just haven't been anywhere near as fun.

Mostly I just wish I could remember what I was told, oh drink is a dangerous thing.

I also handed over the Frock Coat I promised the Ice Queen for providing insider tips on the seduction of A. While it may not have ended quite as I would have hoped it seemed like the right time to hand it over.

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