Saturday, August 09, 2008

I'm leaving, on a packed train, don't know when I'll be back again

I've got a return journey to London today to pick up the rest of my stuff. I'm not really looking forward to it - I hate moving house at the best of times - but at least once it's done it's done so that is good.

The current plan, or at least the vague ideas masquerading as one is to stay down here for the rest of the summer (going up to London a couple of days a week when I need to) saving cash (this bit is going well) and then return to London for the winter with far, far less stuff. Realisitically I could get by with a far more stripped down selection of items - perhaps one or two novelity suits and that is it.

In other news I asked two of my dad's friends for motorcycle advice. One of them was really helpful the other one, who was for a while my dad's best friend in the world was less so. It was a bit weird really.

Well enough whiffling on about this, I have to catch a train.


Gorilla Bananas said...

Don't forget your cuff links!

DJ Kirkby said...

Confused...more than usual I mean...why the semi permanent shift from L to the C?

Louche said...

Gorilla - Thanks for the reminder! I nearly left them behind!

DJ - I'll do a post that makes everything clear in a few days.