Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Gentleman's Boudoir

I don't know why but I'm finding it terribly hard to write a blog entry today, so I am going to write about that. Erm, well, yes. It's not exactly thrilling is it?

I'm even caffeinated up to my eyeballs which normally puts me in a typing frenzy and yet it's not working, perhaps it just isn't good enough coffee? Instead of bashing keys away happily I'm just listlessly gazing at the blank screen. This is not good, I need to be able to whiffle away to pay for things.

Maybe I have some sort of unpacking sickness, yeah that would make sense. A flu like disease that is brought on by moving too many bags and shovelling things about. I've done a lot of that recently, more than enough thank you very much.

Even after all this moving my room is a mass of bags, it's not quite as forbidding as it used to be but it's still pretty awful. The Hitchcock Blonde who is going to come over for afternoon tea on Friday is not going to be impressed, and that won't do. A chap can't have Hitchcock Blondes tutting at his boudoir.


Gorilla Bananas said...

A Hitchcock blonde? You mean like Tippy Hedren?

Anonymous said...

He keeps alluding to this mysterious Hitchcock blonde but has provided absolutely no details or context for her arrival on the scene.
Instead of the Man Who Knew Too Much, I feel like the woman who knows nothing and it's giving me Vertigo.
I'd best go have some tea and look out my Rear Window but I'll have to try not to notice that Torn Curtain. Sigh. I'll just Dial M for Marnie, and try not to go all Psycho at the mystery. Will he ever explain? Or is he just Notorious for keeping us in the dark?

Louche said...

Gorilla - Possibly.

BigBouquet - Yes, but doesn't the mystery keep you reading?

Anonymous said...

No, dearie. Other things keep me reading. You are just one adventure after another. It's the hope you'll post a photo of the cravat collection, really, that has me captivated.

Fingers crossed,