Saturday, August 02, 2008

Emergency photographs and Hitchcock Blondes

There has been a bit of a to-do, a piece was dropped from a paper and so they needed to run the surfing piece I wrote ages ago instead. This presents additional problems because the previous photos weren't up to it and so they needed new photos, taken this weekend.

Due to some sort of minor miracle I happen to be only a short hop away from the surf school this weekend so by calling in favours and thanks to an extremely helpful PR we are going to be able to stage the photos and get the piece ready in time. I just hope this miracle pays off, I mean surely an editor is going to throw you more work after you have saved her bacon when no-one else could, right?

On Monday I'm off Tall Ship racing so it's quite an activity filled weekend. I'm really looking forward to dancing about on a ship but I'm not looking forward to the drive so much - it will be about four hours there and four hours back, maybe more. The post sailing drive is going to be the killer I reckon.

After the ship racing I'd really like to spend some time resting, possibly entertaining visiting Hitchcock Blondes but instead I'll be back to Cornwall to resume the camping holiday. I don't think I've ever been camping in a restful way but then I normally only go in tents at festivals or other sorts of parties involving lots of gin so perhaps this will be just what I need post nautical adventure.

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