Monday, September 18, 2006

Meet the car.

We did some customisation last night. It's nearly ready for the trip now. I just can't wait.

It was my suggestion to give it the 'evil eye' lights, I think they set the tone nicely. It's a surprisingly good car for £100, especially now it has been customised.


Kopaylopa said...

But what's its name??


moi said...

For some reason I can hear the tune 'born to be bad' ringing in my ears.

FGS don't call it Christine... we want louche back in one piece.

Louche said...

It's currently going under the name 'Black Betty' but this may change.

Kopaylopa said...

'Black Betty' is good. Though when just checking wepage before I re-read it I thought it was 'Black Bertha'.
