Monday, December 15, 2008


I am posting from my iPhone which means the text gets justified in a
strange way as if I was a would-be poet.

I am not a poet, I am just struggling with the formating that the
Iphone does. So calm down.

Anyway I have a furious rage today. Last month I did some work for a
government organisation. I had to do it very fast and that was fine.
The problem is with The stupid person in accounts, they have sat on my
invoice for three weeks. For no reason, or at least none they can give.

This person in accounts is going to ruin Christmas because they
couldn't stop eating mince pies to actually do their job.

I hate them.


BPP said...

Oh. So that's why
You've been writing like this.
Because you believed
The marketing hype,
And paid over the odds
For a preposterous
Piece of plastic.

No offence, like.

fourstar71 said...

Regrettably, the reason is almost certainly that that they have been told not to pay anyone before 30 days and at least one reminder.

If you were a bigger organisation, that would probably be 90 days and a final demand/threat of legal action.

I used to freelance for the BBC; it's like the law there.


Anonymous said...

Would it make you feel any better if I told you that the place I started working in July has recently informed me that they were paying me the wrong amount, have reduced my salary by $3,000 and are currently taking what they overpaid me out of my twice-monthly wages?

As I watch my bank account dwindle (as autobilling comes in faster than autopay deposit does....) I can't help but wonder if there's another job out there for me....

BPP said...

As further evidence that there's not a damn thing unique about the boat your floating in, my company has informed me they won't be paying one of me invoices until next year. That'll be fifty seven days after I sent it to them. Those rat bastards.

rockmother said...

Right - I'm going to name and shame. I am owed a substantial amount of money by SONY BMG since beg Sept. That means unless it goes into my account today/latest tomorrow (which it hasn't/prob won't) my son doesn't get a christmas present, the car can not be insured, god knows how we are going to feed people on christmas day and I am fighting two disconnections, 1 default, a cancelled overdraft and a returned credit card even though I was not in arrears/over limit. SHIT SHIT SHIT.