Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Living with a Bene Gesserit

Last night I explained the cultural importance of Dune (The David Lynch version) to T.P. This was part of her orientation for watching it tonight. You shouldn't hurry Dune the first time as if doesn't make much sense and you are say, a fiery latina who gives new things about 30 seconds to be rewarding before giving up you might not get the best out of it.

Anyway, in the film (and the book by Frank Herbert of course) there are these funny witch ladies called the Bene Gesserit, I mean funny as in weird not as in 'Three Fremen walk into a bar', anyway, these ladies can do a special voice that makes people do what they say. It's like a power voice and in the film David Lynch made them do it in a weird scratchy voice with some effects laid on.

It's possible to do a reasonable impression of this and the idea of having a voice that made people do exactly what you want appealed to T.P. So the rest of the evening while I was trying to read a book I kept being told in a voice not unlike a Gremlin whose voice was breaking.

"Go out and get me chocolate milk"


"Give me the cushion"

Proving yet again that knowledge is a dangerous thing. Luckly I am the Kwisatz Haderach so it didn't work on me.*

*This is funny if you like the books, otherwise it will be lost on you.

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