Monday, August 06, 2007


I think this blog is going to have to change. It used to be a blog of wistful thinking about girls and the such, but my situation has moved on. I've got a girlfriend one who has been around for a while now (6 whole months, and yes I was the one who remembered the date).

So things are going to be different around here, I may whiffle on about gloves and hats on occasion but I think it's mostly going to be things about my girlfriend I don't understand.

Here is the latest one. We were talking about Horoscopes, I told about a website I visited on occasion because the predictions were enjoyably specific. It once said my bike chain would break (amazingly it did) and this month it was warning me about getting insurance for water damage.

Anyway she read hers and it said something about how someone very close to you will do something you really disapprove of at the end of the month. It was more specific than that but I was laughing too much to really concentrate. She then read my horoscope to see what was going to happen to me. Apart from the potential of water damage it said something about a friend will do something to shock you, or words to that effect.

She has taken this to mean some friend will try and hit on me, and so has banned me from touching or being too close to anyone male or female for the last two weeks of the month. She even checked the other horoscopes and so she thinks it's likely to be a Taurus or a Virgo.

This isn't a joke, it's to save our relationship. Yesterday while walking back from the park she was mentally going through all my male friends trying to work out which ones could be bisexual and thus more of a threat.

This is brilliant, I can't wait to see what happens next.


Mr Chipz said...

I think you should be upset that your ladyfriend thinks a gentleman could sway your sexual desires. May I prescribe Mr Knox's patent ducking stool for her insolence and Mssrs Hobbs & Micklewhite's patent noose for her dabblings in horoscopes and witchcraft.

Clair said...

I feel guilty being a woman and posting here...

Louche said...

Mr Chipz - have you got the catalogue from their new collection? The Educator 3000 is very special.

Clair - shall I lend you a false 'tashe for when you are reading?

Clair said...

Don't worry, I've already got a real one

DJ Kirkby said...

You rascal, do you like stirring cauldrons?