Thursday, July 05, 2007

My first coffee

Due to moving in and other things I've not had coffee in a while. I love coffee, proper coffee made in a needlessly complex way in something made out of either brushed steel or chrome.

My first cup after a week of no coffee was bliss, velvety smooth. Oh how I missed it. This got me thinking about smoking and cycling. I read in the papers that people like smoking because it is a poison. Their bodies release endorphins because of presence of the smoke and that is what makes them feel nice. So when people ban smoking in pubs people get all angry about the government taking their endorphins away.

A few weeks ago I was drunkenly talking to the editor of TimeOut, he said that subject that gets the most mail is cycling. If they even mention it people rant on both sides of the argument. I cycle a lot. It's a great way of getting around London, it's good exorcise but more than that after I've been on a good bike ride (at least 30 minutes) I'm as high as a kite on endorphins. When I cycle to work I spend most of the day buzzing away happily.

If that was banned I bet I'd be furious too, although I'd probably still do it in secret. You know, find out who could sort me out with a couple of bikes and go to some underground cycling den full of whacked out people doing a couple of laps to take them away from it all.

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