Monday, October 06, 2008

Learning through injuries

It is amazing how often I pick up injuries. For example, just yesterday I managed to do something awful to my toe (it might be broken, how does one tell?) and mildly injure my knee. I also have a mark on my head, although that seems mostly cosmic. The cause of these injuries, well lets just say that I lost consciousness for a while and leave it at that.

As side from the injuries it was an excellent weekend, The Hitchcock Blonde was down in the West Country for a few days and so we went for walks, ate far too much and sat in front of log fires with books. We also played billiards, a sport which I am terrible at. Actually it's beyond that I'm absolutely awful but during an evening of furious drinking I seem to have got pretty good suddenly. I'm not sure if it was the slightly out of date banana beer or the blow to my head but now I'm not bad.

Perhaps I should inform the Olympic committee so they can introduce head injuries and out of date novelty drinks into their training regimes?


BPP said...

A similar thing happens to me with pool. Can't play the game to save my life sober; drunk, it's like I'm recreating The Color of Money. I've often wondered if this was unique to me - glad to hear I'm not alone when it comes to pissed up sports skills.

Clair said...

Can we now have a pissed Pub Sports evening; this would be an EXCELLENT idea.

Louche said...

BPP - Well if you want to keep the knowledge without being drunk you need a sharp blow to the head to fix it in place.

Clair - Just think of the sportsmanship!

Clair said...


Let's make it happen, I have just bought another Most Excellent Skirt in a tiny size that could induce heart failure as I play a round of Drunk Billiards....

Anonymous said...

Oh, do post mobile phone photos if you embark on drunk Olympics endeavors in short skirts (yes, I think that should be part of it -- the men in kilts -- either utility kilts or the scratchy tartan kind, I'm not fussy)
