Thursday, November 23, 2006

You never get the truth from a liar.

A bit of a mixed day today, I worked my little socks off at work. It was silly, I did about a weeks work in a morning and then started doing other complicated yet cunning things. It's amazing how much you get done when you are forcing yourself to work instead of dealing with someone you don't like...

Anyway I went for lunch with the girl I caught having an affair, we talked about her chap situation, I'm the only person who knows so she can't talk to other people about it. And she mentioned what A's new boyfriend looks like, I'd met him.

It was like the bit in a film when it all comes together, my introduction to him at one of A's gigs was almost exactly the point at which she started acting all weird. So that was what was behind it all, and it all makes sense now. She had found someone else, of course she still wanted all the attention but she had her eye on someone else.

The Ice Queen agreed, she said that sadly when ever someone starts acting all strange on you suddenly it usually means they have met someone else.

So even when I had an evening of absolute truth with A, she still lied. Now all I can think about is how lucky I was to escape with just a few emotional cuts and bruises.

People are awful sometimes.


Tea said...

Thanks for visiting my blog Louche. Your friend, the Ice Queen has made me wonder about something that has recently happened to my daughter with someone she was seeing for three months but has broken off. Things were wonderful, you`re wonderful, but I`m not sure about making a commitment....hmmmmm...the honest truth with something left out perhaps? I saw that in the cards but was brushing it aside...


Tea said...

P.S. to your comment...
Thanksgiving was the American`s holiday on Thursday. We here in Canada had it a few weeks beforehand. Didn`t get drunk but I suppose it would be a time to do!
